Landmark Conservancy
A design mark for a landmark.
- Identity
- Naming
- Brand Language

The Challenge
Two Equals One
West Wisconsin Landtrust and Bayfield Regional Conservancy decided they were better together in serving the needs of their constituents and their communities. Strategically, they wanted to communicate that combining their organizations was less about a merger and more about the future of a new entity—the sum being greater than its parts was the true equation.

The Solution
Landmark, A Sure Sign Of Home
When we looked at the area formed by the newly combined western and northwestern regions on Wisconsin’s state map, we saw the state’s largest landmark of protection and conservation. We also realized this landmark represented the spaces and places loved by so many. We wanted to celebrate the shared love of this region and connect the community to all those who love Wisconsin. Thus was born, Wisconsin’s Landmark Conservancy.

Our Approach
We're All On The Same Trail
The mission of Landmark Conservancy is more than protecting private and public land, it’s about protecting nature. We realize that each of us have our own personal connection to nature and the land we call home. To that, our approach was to connect with those deep feelings through the creation of an iconic and beautifully simplistic design solution. It was important that our audience define what nature meant to them versus us illustrating it for them. Oh, and our client did warn us, “A cheesy illustration of a Canadian Goose does nothing for us.”
Conservationist John Muir, a prominent graduate from the University of Wisconsin, also known as the Father of National Parks, once said, “When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.” His words inspired us. Nature in a sense is one continuous line and should not be disrupted.

In Conclusion
Landmark Conservancy’s mission is: “Conserving Wisconsin’s natural legacy for everyone...forever.” The new name and identity are symbolic of this organization realizing its mission.