Douglas and Todd Bourbon Whiskey
Minnesota Whiskey? You Betcha!
- Brand Identity
- Packaging

The Challenge
Putting Minnesota on the Bourbon Map
Phillips Distilling Company’s heart for innovation led them to a partnership with Minnesota’s first craft distillery, Panther. Panther Distillery and Phillips created a small batch bourbon in our state’s beloved “Up North” area. Minnesota’s four season climate provides the perfect conditions for crafting a smoother-drinking bourbon experience. Our state’s short summer corn and red winter wheat add to making this bourbon uniquely Minnesotan. Move over Kentucky.

The Solution
Fitting In While Standing Out
Coming from a long line of Irish Saloon keepers, we know oh so well the kind of at home feeling you get when holding a good bottle of bourbon in your hands. The bottle shape chosen for this new brand was selected to connect to those good, familiar bourbon feelings. Knowing what Phillips and Panther had crafted was a truly unique bourbon offering, it didn’t hurt to cradle the unique in the familiar.

Our Approach
Minnesota Makes It
Born, aged, crafted and rested in Minnesota is what makes this bourbon a one of a kind. In this case, the “where” is a big part of the brand’s “why.” Douglas and Todd are the two counties in Minnesota where the ingredients come from and Douglas County is home to the distilling, aging and resting process. Douglas & Todd was the obvious brand name choice and a map of this area inspired the label design. The Buffalo Plaid element pays homage to Phillips’ 112 year history and back to the days when their sales force donned the bold plaid. How’s that for authenticity?

In Conclusion
“We believe that as craft bourbon becomes increasingly fragmented, having a brand with a different provenance or unique mash bill will be key to growth.”
Vice President of Marketing Philips Distilling Company