UV Vodka
Drink in Color
- Brand Revitalization
- Packaging
- Brand Extension
- Naming

The Challenge
UV is short for Ultraviolet (you know, the spectrum of electromagnetic vibrant colors). There’s nothing short though about the list of goodness this brand delivers. Think full spectrum of color, unexpected range of flavors, unlimited mixability. It’s a brand that brings energy and brightness to any occasion. That’s easy to say now since the brand has been revitalized. Not so long ago this brand had fallen out-of-step, become rather dusty and consequently, sales were on the decline.

The Solution
Learning about this brand was a real eye-opener. UV Vodka is made with all-natural ingredients, no high-fructose corn syrup and distilled four times to ensure maximum mixability and great taste. Who knew? Apparently not many. Our stakeholder interviews revealed there was little awareness around the meaning behind the name UV and the brand was perceived as generic. Our solution was to match the outside of the bottle with the liquid inside and reveal UV’s colorful personality.

Our Approach
UV is the only colored vodka in the market. Color equals flavor. Flavor equals UV. The UV Vodka brand equals a spectrum of magnetically energized experiences. To communicate the idea of “spectrum” we printed the label on iridescent stock. We created a high contrast design to embolden the colors and in-turn, enrich the flavor appeal. This contrast also elevated quality cues. The revitalized identity conveys the idea of magnetic energy as the pulse of the brand. We let flavor names conjure up the consumer’s own interpretation of just how good the flavor would taste versus illustrating it for them and promoting a commodity sensibility. UV Vodka is made in the good ol’ USA, an important product attribute that connects to UV’s Salute to Heroes initiative in finding veterans and their spouses meaningful employment. The recipe on the back label supports the ease of mixability with wonderfully flavored vodka.
Phillips Distilling Co., owners of the UV brand, realized there was an opportunity to further enliven the brand by capitalizing on the Ready-To-Drink phenomenon. We named this product extension UVGO (ready-to-drink when and wherever you are) and applied the UV brand to a can. The effervescence of this cocktail has its own magnetic appeal so we added those buoyantly happy bubbles rising to the top...just pull back the tab and enjoy.

In Conclusion
“The UV brand has returned to growth thanks in part to the package refresh. With the new packaging we’ve made the brand more relevant for our consumer. Feedback on UVGO has been incredible! The naming and design are breaking through the highly competitive market.”
Mike Duggan
CEO, Phillips Distilling Co.